Occupations of Dana’s Ancestors
Womens’ occupations were usually listed as “None,” “at home” or “Keeping House” on census records. I include them only if another occupation is known for them other than homemaking —Homemaking usually included child-rearing, housework, food production & preservation, etc.—still important occupations!
For the men and some of the women, I will list their primary occupation(s) first and then other jobs they may have had.
Dean Darrell Kelley (working from 1945-1986)
- Pharmaceutical Representative. (A.H. Robins District Manager & Ciba)
- Merchandising/Marketing Manager (Swinson Food Products & Gregg Foods.)

- Order filler for Safeway Creamery/Cheese Department.
- Assembly line worker for Delco Battery.
- Skip Tracer for Pacific Finance Co.
- Worked for Square D, an electric component manufacturing company.
- “Oiler” for the Department of Navy.
- Worked for Royal Heaters, Inc.
Sergeant Dean Kelley Army (promoted to Sergeant Major) in the Korean War.
- Worked for the Hoover Company.
- Worked for Avery Adhesive Label, Arrowhead Rubber Co., Electroweld Steel Corp.
- Worked for Swift & Company packing house & lard refinery.
- Worked for the Commodore Hotel.
- Worked for ALCOA.
- Worked for Zellerbach Paper Co., Drapery Hardware Co., United States Marine Commission.
- Worked for Universal Mfg. Co. rebuilding Ford Engines, Drove a Pepsi-Cola Truck.
- Merchant Marines “Utility”- Cook.
In the Merchant Marines.
Doretta Rose Clifford Kelley (working from 1952-1980’s)
- Secretary (Education Dept. St. Joseph’s Hospital, Pacific Wood Treating Co., Monsanto and Mobay Chemical Cos., Merle J. Grindle (Private Investigator of missing heirs).
- Stenographer.

William Walter Kelley (working from 1907-1950’s)
- Oil Station attendant/ Auto Mechanic.
Oil Station Attendant at Hermecke’s Station - Helped manage boarding (rooming), apartment houses, motel, & cafe.
- Drayman/Truck Driver.

- Worked for Drapery Hardware Co.
- Hired Farm Hand.
- Singer and Salesman in Dr. Linden’s Medicine Show.
Marie Reimers Kelley (working from 1910-1945)
- Managed boarding (rooming), apartment houses, motel, & cafe.

- Cook & Head Cook in restaurants & cafes.
- Waitress.
Walter Lemon Clifford (working from 1911-1965+)
Woodworker/Cabinet Maker. Hallack & Howard Planing Mill, Angelus Furniture & Self-employed. (Learned his trade at Uhrich Revolving Door Factory.)
- Foreman, Morris Furniture Manufacturing.
- Manufacture of radio cabinets for California Coast & Hoffmann & Sears.
- Restaurant owner.
- Woodworker/woodshop manager for Alexander Aircraft Company.

- Machinist.
- Co-owner,” Pig Stand” Restaurant.
- Worked for Empire Gas Co.
- Street Car Conductor.
- Work building sugar beet refinery & in the sugar beet fields.
- Worked for Petroleum Products.
Alice Christina Cornett Clifford (working from 1922-1975)
- Precinct Officer, Inspector. Enchantment Precinct. (Volunteer)
- Worked at Mrs. Russell’s Candy Factory.
- Cooked at “Pig Stand” Restaurant.
- Telephone Operator, SW Bell Tel. Co.
- Mother’s Helper for Rose McKnight.
Andrew Alfred Kelley (working from 1870-1910+)
Eilert Auen hires his son-in-law to build his house. 17 Apr 1896, Carroll, Iowa Carpenter.
- Teacher.
- Laborer (Lamb’s Mill & lumberyards?).
- Poet.

Claus Johann Reimers (working from bef. 1883-1930)
- Bar Keeper, Lodging House & Lunch Room Proprietor.
- Farmer.
- Miller.
- Carpenter.
Marie Brocksen Reimers (only listed occupation in 1910)
- Manager, Lodging House.
Charles Lemon Clifford (working from 1880-1930)
The Chanute Daily Tribune – 17 Aug 1907 Farmer.
- Laborer in Casting, Cement Factory.
1910 Independence, Kansas
- Travelling Suit Salesman.
Sarah Jane Verbryck Clifford (work listed in 1910 & 1920)
- Housekeeper or Servant for private families.
John M. Cornett (working from bef. 1900- 1940)
- Farmer/Farm Laborer (Tenant).
- Laborer, linseed oil mill, oil supply company.
- Helper.
Michael Britt Kelley (working from bef. 1847-1885)
- Teacher/(Visiting) Tutor
Eilert Janssen Auen (working from bef. 1860-1900)
- Farmer
- Landlord
- Sailor
Hans Hinrich Reimers
- Dienstknecht – Servant (Farm laborer) (1857)
- Arbeitsmannes – Workman (1858)
Peter Thomas Brocksen
- Landmann- Farmer
- Dienstknecht – Servant (Farm laborer) (1859)
- Arbeiter – Worker (1890)
William Clifford (working bef. 1832-1877)
- Farmer—(Inherited 50 acres from his father, later sold & moved to Indiana then to Kansas.)
- Captain in Pennsylvania militia
Mary Ann Irwin Clifford
- Farmer Laborer (1880)
Richard S. Verbryck (working bef. 1860-1880+)
- Farmer

- Private in Indiana Infantry (1863 -12 days) Civil War
Hezekiah Russell Cornett (working bef. 1860-1891)
- Farmer
- Private in Virginia Infantry (1863-25 days, deserted)

Elvira Matilda Stamper Cornett
- Housekeeper (1905)
James Woodrum
- Farmer (1870)

Andrew Kelly
- Probably a farmer—He leased and sublet land. (1829 & 1853)
- Victualler-usually the keeper of a restaurant or tavern (If Death Certificate is our Andrew Kelly). (1866)
Jan Hinderks Auen
- Day Laborer/ Worker
Meine Gerds DeBuhr
- Schiffzimmermann, Shipwright or Ships Carpenter. (1840 & 1860)
Claus Hansen Reimers
- Arbeitsmann (Workman) (1832)
Johann Jacob Arps
- Gesell (Journeyman) (1805)
Johann Peter Brockes
- Farmer
Eggert Sammann
- Workman
Thomas Clifford
- Farmer—He had a cabin, still house & stable in 1798.
- He bequeathed about 100 acres of his farm in his will divided variously to his children, 1842
Robert Irwin
- Shoemaker (occupation listed on his death certificate, 1858).
William Verbryck
- Farmer
James Hildebrand
- Farmer, son of a Mennonite, received a land grant in Shelby County, Indiana from President Andrew Jackson, 1834.
Alfred Alexander Cornutt
- Farmer (1850-1900)
- Private in the Virginia infantry, Civil War 1863
Ephriam William Stamper
- Farmer /Farm Laborer (1850-1870)
Archibald Woodrum
- Farmer (1850)
Sarah Johnston Woodrum
- Domestic (1860)
John Baugher
- Farmer (1850-1860) Purchased public lands, in Illinois 1838 & 1839), signed by President Martin VanBuren.